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Cell Designs with XIBs and Interface Builder
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Many smaller companies will use different approaches to designing their UI. Some strategies involve using full Storyboards, some use XIBs, some go full code. The most common approach you'll find is a mix of all three. Now I'm personally not a big fan of Storyboards because it hides a lot of functionality that iOS developers need to learn. However, I'm not against creating XIBs for views using Interface Builder. In fact, for simple views such as a couple of labels and an image, it's probably easier to use XIBs to get your project going. In today's lesson, I will go through how to hook up a <b>Podcast Cell</b> using <b>Interface Builder</b>. Then we'll need to register this nib with our UITableView so that dequeuing works correctly.

Comments (7)
Han Htoo Naung001
5 years ago
Han Htoo Naung001
5 years ago
6 years ago
Brian Voong
6 years ago
Muhammad Hamza Sani
6 years ago
Yu Hao Chen
6 years ago
Yu Hao Chen
6 years ago
Yu Hao Chen
6 years ago
Brian Voong
6 years ago
Yu Hao Chen
6 years ago
Brian Voong
6 years ago
6 years ago
Brian Voong
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
5 years ago
Kilian Hiestermann
6 years ago
Brian Voong
6 years ago
Huo En Ci
6 years ago
Huo En Ci
6 years ago
Brian Voong
6 years ago
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