Creating a Login Page
SwiftUI Firebase Real Time Chat
struct LoginView: View {        @State var isLoginMode = false    @State var email = ""    @State var password = ""        var body: some View {        NavigationView {            ScrollView {                                VStack(spacing: 16) {                    Picker(selection: $isLoginMode, label: Text("Picker here")) {                        Text("Login")                            .tag(true)                        Text("Create Account")                            .tag(false)                    }.pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle())                                            if !isLoginMode {                        Button {                                                    } label: {                            Image(systemName: "person.fill")                                .font(.system(size: 64))                                .padding()                        }                    }                                        Group {                        TextField("Email", text: $email)                            .keyboardType(.emailAddress)                            .autocapitalization(.none)                        SecureField("Password", text: $password)                    }                    .padding(12)                    .background(Color.white)                                        Button {                        handleAction()                    } label: {                        HStack {                            Spacer()                            Text(isLoginMode ? "Log In" : "Create Account")                                .foregroundColor(.white)                                .padding(.vertical, 10)                                .font(.system(size: 14, weight: .semibold))                            Spacer()                        }.background(                                            }                }                .padding()                            }            .navigationTitle(isLoginMode ? "Log In" : "Create Account")            .background(Color(.init(white: 0, alpha: 0.05))                            .ignoresSafeArea())        }    }        private func handleAction() {        if isLoginMode {            print("Should log into Firebase with existing credentials")        } else {            print("Register a new account inside of Firebase Auth and then store image in Storage somehow....")        }    }}

Comments (2)
Koulik Maity
8 months ago
Koulik Maity
8 months ago